Could You Have Gum Disease and Not Know It?

oral cancer serious man

Gum disease is a major cause of tooth loss and can even be bad for your health.  It is a chronic inflammation or infection that occurs when the bacteria of your mouth get out of control. It most commonly happens when you haven’t been to the dentist and hygienist regularly or kept up with your oral care at home, although medical conditions may be a factor.

It is definitely not something to ignore.

Gingivitis is the early stage of gum disease when the gums are irritated and inflamed, but major damage has not occurred. When not resolved it can become periodontitis, a chronic infection that results in lost bone, tooth loss, and a number of other complications. Infections in your mouth can get into your bloodstream easily through swallowing and it is never healthy to let infection go untreated.

While you can have periodontal disease and not know it, there are some symptoms you can look out for:

  • Red, swollen, or bleeding gums
  • Bad breath
  • Loose teeth
  • Receding gums or longer looking teeth
  • Tender or sensitive teeth

Preventing gum disease is one of the most important reasons to see your dentist and get your teeth professionally cleaned regularly. If you have already been diagnosed with it, you may need to come in more often.

When further treatment is needed, we have a periodontal specialist in our Orange office to serve you. You can receive all of your gum disease care in one place.

Our goal is to keep your smile healthy and your mouth disease free. We hope it is your goal, too.

If you would like to find out if you have gum disease or are looking for a new dentist in Orange, CA, please call us at: (714) 633-2562 

How to Keep Your Teeth Healthy in Your Midlife and Senior Years

midlife senior woman with healthy smile

With proper care, most of us have the ability to experience good oral health and keep our teeth for our lifetimes. There are, however, some special risks to be aware of as we reach our midlife and senior years.

Dry Mouth – Your mouth can become drier as you get older, especially if you take medications.  This condition is not only uncomfortable, but it can contribute to cavities, sometimes several at a time.

Gum Recession – Your gums can recede due to hard brushing, dental disease, or simply over time. This will expose new sensitive areas of your teeth and could lead to tooth loss.

Periodontal (Gum) Disease – You have a higher risk of developing this condition in your midlife and senior years.  The chronic infection and inflammation that characterize this disease not only threaten your teeth, but have been linked to several serious medical conditions, as well.

Difficulty Caring for Your Teeth – Handling a toothbrush and floss can become challenging, especially if you have arthritis or tremors.

And the Good News Is – We can help.  We are experienced and skilled at supporting people who experience these challenges related to aging.

Our goal is to help you keep your teeth comfortable and healthy for your lifetime.

Orange, CA (714) 633-2562    


What You Need to Know about Gum Disease


Periodontal disease, also called gum disease, is an infection in your mouth. The bacteria involved cause chronic inflammation and eat away at the gums and bone that support your teeth. Research has also shown that it may be linked to dangerous conditions like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease, most likely through inflammation.

We can prevent and treat gum disease to minimize the damage it causes, but as with most things, the sooner you seek help the better. And, if you already know you have it, keeping up with your dental care is more important than ever.

Here are some some important facts we want you to know about gum disease:

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4 Dental Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

toothache dental symptoms

While we believe that regular dental visits and preventing problems is the way to go, we understand that some of you may have delayed dental appointments for various reasons.  When money or time are tight it is easy to postpone routine care and even treatment for minor symptoms.

But, there are some symptoms you should never ignore.

  1. Bleeding Gums – when your gums bleed it is usually a sign that the bacteria in your mouth have gotten out of control and you may have periodontal gum disease. This is an infection that often doesn’t have symptoms and is the number one cause of tooth loss. The scariest thing is that many studies show that this chronic inflammation and infection in your gums can contribute to many dangerous diseases and put your overall health at risk, too. Continue reading

Treating Your Periodontal Gum Disease

periodontal disease gum disease

A diagnosis of gum disease, also called periodontal disease, needs to be taken seriously. It is a bacterial infection in your mouth that can get into your blood stream easily when you swallow and the number one cause of tooth loss. The good news is that we have a number of ways to help you reverse and control this disease and it’s complications.

Before we share solutions, it might help for you to understand what is happening in your mouth when you have gum disease.  It all starts with bacteria.  Within hours of your last teeth brushing they form a soft film that sticks to your teeth called plaque.

Normally, this plaque would be removed with your next brushing, but if that doesn’t happen the plaque calcifies and becomes tartar.  The hard tartar creates hiding places for bacteria colonies to live, often below the gums on the roots of the teeth.  Tartar cannot be removed by brushing and flossing alone and this is why seeing your dental hygienist regularly is so important.

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How to Have a Kissable Smile for Valentine’s Day

valentine hearts and kisses

February is the month of romance and celebrating love.  It seems like hearts are everywhere.  Gifts and cards are given and many of you will have a Valentine’s Day celebration with that special someone in your life.

Whether you are planning a romantic dinner or going to a party, you will want a kissable smile for your special Valentine.

What makes a smile kissable?  

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